
Pullback Finance
2 min readJun 28, 2021

Here are a couple of possible examples of involvement to be requested from early adopters and which can be executed starting with the next version of the website:

I. Joining the waiting list

Staged releases don’t imply that we don’t validate the product concept with the market segments we address. Actually, our purpose is to have a strategic approach in which we enhance security by discovering early stage bugs, developing various mechanisms to control access and, also, validating ideas by exposing the product to a controlled set of segments.

Starting with the next update of the website, the waiting lists will be open. Any early adopter who is interested in being part of the PullBack ecosystem will have the chance to join the waiting list.

The reward for joining the waiting list is 50 points (50 PLBK tokens).

II. Referrals

We will have a referral system in place, which allows any user to ask a friend to sign up and join the waiting list. The reward mechanism for referrals is described below:

A. Referring a direct friend who signs up and joins the waiting list rewards you with 10 points (10 PLBK tokens).

B. For each friend of your friend’s (level 2) who joins the ecosystem, you get 3 extra points (3 PLBK tokens).

C. For each friend of a friend of your friend’s (level 3) who joins the ecosystem, you get an extra 1 point (1 PLBK token).

III. Building your profile

For an early adopter who creates an account on the website, there will be a series of tasks required to build the profile. This profiling part helps us better personalize the PullBack app account and is also linked with various product strategies and marketing efforts intended for a later stage.

Building the profile, like any other task, is not mandatory — so it’s up to each and every one whether they choose to fill in the information and then earn rewards.

III.1. Inputting phone number.

The phone number will be your unique access to the PullBack application. Inputting the phone number early stage (action to be available starting with our next version of the website) rewards you with 30 points (30 PLBK tokens).

III.2. Connecting social networks

Early stage adopters will be able to connect on the website various social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Telegram and Douyin. The reward for connecting these networks is 15 points (15 PLBK tokens) per each network.

III.3. Input the Fusion public address

We are preparing various more incentives accessible to early adopters — to be announced at a later date. The reward for inputting the Fusion public address is 30 points (30 PLBK tokens).

IV. Amplifier

Via our upcoming amplifier system, early stage adopters will be able to participate in our marketing efforts, by amplifying various designated materials that we share.

You spread our news and get rewarded.

Amplifiers are made of a controlled mechanism in which we reserve our rights to post specific content we want amplified, at a specific time. An amplifier may or may not have an end date.

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Pullback Finance

Supercharge your life with automated finance.